Thursday, June 13, 2013

#Ouya Fans: The Article

If you are an Ouya backer or just someone who is pondering the question if you should purchase an Ouya then most likely you have followed the drama of the Ouya unroll.  The list of things that have gone wrong, and what they have done wrong is long.  From the backer outrage of late shipments to the sticky controller button debacle, Ouya has done one thing actually right.  They have done something so right in midst of failures that it has many critics scratching their heads.  They have done something that every business wants, needs and always strives to have.  Ouya has the following of hard core, unwavering, fanaticals.  This by far is not a criticism, but an admiration that is quite amazing for a company that is surrounded by constant criticism.  

I am known as one of their biggest critics in some circles on Google Plus.  I have engaged in debate with the Ouya fanatical numerous times.   The true Ouya fans are filled with a undying hope of what Ouya will be and can be.  They are ever forgiving of the major to the minor mistakes.  They are quick to defend and quick to condemn any  who oppose the Ouya.  They rattle off a defenses for any critic as if they were working directly for the PR group for Ouya.  Some do it so well that Ouya should hire them.  

The Kick Starter

In the beginning there was the remarkable Kickstarter campaign. They showed a flashy and sleek UI with a plethora of well known, liked, Android games.  For only $99 the backers were going to get a consoles the size of a rubic's cube that will play Android games on the big screen. 
When the Ouya arrived the UI was nothing like the original promo pic.  And worst of all, none of the games like Samurai II, Shadowgun, and Dead Trigger were to be found.  Instead there was some ported games from Android that weren't that good to begin with.  Some like Pinball Arcade were poorly ported and were too laggy to even play.  
Criticism rolled out by the amateur bloggers like myself all the way up to the well known tech sites.  Ouya defended that they hadn't officially launched and that the UI was still being polished.  The fanatical defended by pointing out the same but added that the lack of games isn't Ouya's fault but the developers fault for not porting their game to Ouya.  In the eyes of some fanaticals, Ouya is blameless.  They ignore the promo pic and bring up that in the future that indie developers will make great games that don't need good graphics because the games will be awesome.  
In reality those developers didn't port due to numbers.  With only 65,000 consoles and the "official launch" being delayed, the developers of such games do not want to spend the money to port the games at this point because it is not worth it.  The fanatics have countered this argument by saying that if you want big developers to come to Ouya then you should buy an Ouya, then buy a bunch of the games in the marketplace to show the big guys that they should come over to Ouya.  It was even suggested that letters should be written.  While I agree to the latter, I disagree to arbitrary spending.  I personally have said that such a plan is like buying a Fiat in hopes of a Lexus dealership coming to your town because you really want a Lexus.  We all know that  would be crazy and would not lead to the desired results.  
The fanatics hold steady and defend such notions with passion and gumption that are quite bewildering.  One fanatic stated that Ouya "is not something that is going to be 'finished' in six months or a year, it is going to be an ongoing process."  Though I admire his passionate, unwavering defense, Ouya has stated that they will release new hardware yearly, thus his defense is rendered moot.  Additionally, if a product in the tech industry that already has year old hardware takes a year to be 'finished' then you the customer have a two year old product.  That is no way to attract customers, never less have a revolution.

10,000 plus developers

Ouya loves to promote their 10,000 plus registered developers.  Which they should.  Unfortunately this reminds me too well of someone else that use to sling around their numbers of developers.  Microsoft at their launch of Windows Phone 7 did the exact same thing.  The problem with WP7 just as they do today is that most of their developer were amateurs, hobbyist or those who lack funding to truly make a well complete game.  I know, I was one of them. In reality we were amateurs and hobbyist that were only doing it for fun and to make an extra couple hundred dollars a month.  Our apps were comical, but useless.  But Microsoft was so desperate to showcase apps that they showcased one of our apps on the Official Windows Phone podcast.  I also was on the windows developer podcast.  Yet, we made crappy, useless apps and did it all from my living room.  

Having amateurs and hobbyist developers saturating your marketplace is a problem.  On windows phone  most apps are horrible and it is difficult to find a good one. Mainly due to the reason that the established developers are far and few between on their platform.  Ouya could have this exact problem.  
Ouya is crammed with Space Invaders/Galaga clones that aren't that good.  Most of the other games are found on your IOS or Android device so you have already tried them out.  The closest thing Ouya currently has to a full well developed game is " The Bard's Tale."  Which is a game that I bought 10 years ago on the original Xbox and can be played on any Android device.  Its a good game but not one that will drive purchases.  
Even when Julie Uhrman was asked on Reddit about triple A devs, she responded "We have some new AAA's on board we'll be talking about in the coming weeks, and many other awesome games. Of course, OUYA is based on the premise that great games can come from anywhere! 
One of these games I'm excited to announce here is Towerfall ( by Matt Thorson, aka Matt Makes Games (, which will be coming first to OUYA in June! "
This was a month ago with no more mentions of big devs and mattmakegames is not a Triple A.  He is small indie dev.
I proposed this idea to the fanaticals, and one answered with "It would only take one of those Hobbyist to release the next 'Angry Birds' which is then only available on Ouya."   This is so interesting.  Angry Birds cost around $140,000 to develop.  This is far from an hobbyist.  It took a team to complete it.  Per Blue Cloud Solutions that to develop an IOS or Android game it would take $10,000 to $250,000. Even if an indie dev were able to make the next minecraft, Ouya would have to be in enough living rooms to be able to make a noise loud enough so people would know of it.  

To exemplify the dedication of the true Ouya fanatical, this same fan that was quoted above stated that "I've had no cause to lose faith in Julie Uhrman yet.  I expect to be surprised and delighted in the months to follow."


Originally we were told we would get the Ouyas in March.  Industry leaders said that it was impossible and they were right.  April passed, then May came.  Julie Uhrman then promised that everyone would have their Ouyas by the end of May.  She later changed that to everyone would have their Ouya shipped by the end of May.  As the date of this article, their are still those that have not received their Ouya.  
I have brought up that this was a very poor step for Ouya and that is was handled incorrectly with their MS Draw bar graphs and Friday emails.  Some on G+ say that when they contacted customer service that they were even given lies.  
I personally ran rampant on G+ criticizing the shipping debacle and promoting backer rage.  The fanaticals responded. I was told that the Kickstarter was an investment ( I don't get that.  You get returns in an investment). I was also told that it didn't matter when we got it, that it was the idea of Ouya that we gave our money for , not an actual product.  One even said that as long as they got their Ouya some time this year that it would be worth the wait.  (This last guy might be on something if the Ouya was more polished).  My favorite was from May 24, "They say everything by the end of the month and I trust them on that."

Ode to the Ouya Fans

The future of Ouya is unknown.  They still have not officially launched.  They are still polishing their UI.  The future and potential of Ouya is still unknown.  They claim to have some big names developing games in the pipeline, but one thing they do have that most do not. They have some of the most dedicated fans that any company could ever want.  This group of people will hit criticism head on with the most passionate, die hard defenses that any product has ever had.  If the Ouya ends up being only a footnote in the next chapter of game consoles, that footnote should say *the Ouya had the most dedicated fans out of any revolutionary console.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Ouya delays official Launch. Why?

Julie Urhman announced that Ouya has delayed the official launch until June 25th.  This begs the question if they are having problems meeting demands.  To bring even more suspicion she announced that they raised an additional $15 million stating "This is a really important step for the long haul." Does this mean there were doubts until they got money.  The answer is Obvious.
Urhman also said that this will NOT DELAY shipment to the backers. Which is really, really great news!  She continued to say that all backers should have their units before the end of May.
So what does this all mean?  Many have had sneaky suspicions that Urhman was hiding some details on the progress of the company.  Though she has no duty to report to fans and backers as if they are board members, it did cast a bad light on her and the company.  Many were wondering if Ouya was going to make it past the next several months, especially since Urhman announced that no launch units have been produced.
Most likely the delay is due to not being able to produce enough units for the official launch. This could be bad or good. But the real questions are: Will this hurt Ouya in the short run?  Can Ouya actually make it? and Where are the good games?

Have you gotten your Ouya email yet? Will Ouya meet their deadline?

Ouya has only 17 more business days to get all of their backer units to the people who financed their company.  I got my email today.  If you are wondering what it says, here it is:
"’s true.

Your OUYA has arrived at our distribution center and we expect it to land on your doorstep within the next two weeks (give or take a day or two depending on your location).

Be on the lookout for a confirmation email that will follow once your shipment has been picked up for delivery and which will include your personalized tracking number.

The following items will be included in this shipment:

1 x Console+1Controller_NA 

This shipment will be sent to:


Thank YOU once again for helping to make OUYA a reality and we look forward to hearing your feedback on how we can continue to improve the OUYA experience.

Game On!

Master Problem Solver (M.P.S.)

So according to this email it could take as long as two weeks for me to receive my Ouya.  That puts it around the 23rd of May.  That is around 7 business day before the official launch.  If they keep this schedule they will have to send out emails like this one to all backers by the 20th to beat the deadline.  Also, remember that according to Uhrman they haven't begun building the units for the official launch.  Will they be able to meet the deadline?  How many Ouyas will be available the day of the official launch?

Monday, April 15, 2013

Cold Hard Facts about the Ouya

On a great editorial was written entitled "The Day The Clown Cried."  It was a recap of the Ouya phenomena and the lack of what appears as backers support from Ouya.  I encourage alll of you to read it.  In the article the hard facts are:
Here are some hard facts:

1. Ouya's official release date into the public is June 4th

2. Ouya has struck deals to be carried at AmazonTarget, and Gamestop

3. Ouya fully intends on releasing their console on a mobile phone schedule (~ yearly)

4. Ouya has never given their Kickstarter backers a firm shipping

The author concludes that "Do you really think March 28th snuck up and bit them on the ass? Please. They are purposely not shipping them to us because these units are slated for their new customers: moms and dads at Target; kids at GameStop; the online shopping masses who log on to Amazon. Do the math. There are roughly 2,000 Targets in North America alone, and 6,600 GameStops. Plans to put 3 in every store June 4th would tally up to over 25,000. I have a feeling the targeted number is much higher. And that's not factoring in Amazon's quota, either. "

The responses to this article were:
"I am so dissapointed by the lack of communication by ouya. I could not care less that I'll get my ouya 3 months late. What is clear to me is that the "ouya company" does not give a hoot about the backers. I thought we were going to be a shining example of crowdfunding...standing up to the evil corporate giants who control the game build a new gaming community without having to spend 3 months worth of pocketmoney on a game. (Based upon what my kids get and the cost of a typical a+ type game 60€.) Another illusion the poorer I'll get my sense of community elsewhere."

"I got an email this morning stating my Ouya was now at the distribution center and I should have it in 2 weeks.
Looks like the kickstarter backers get the luxury of ground shipping "

"Given the levels of frustration from backers I find it difficult to comprehend their desire to undermine their most enthusiastic supporters. It's a shame, I have a bitter taste in my mouth regarding this kickstarter experience which is turning me off of OUYA as a company and product. It's a shame, I was so excited about them but they managed to change my mind"

The next question is "will Ouya survive the backer backlash?"  Did Ouya destroy itself?

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Julie Uhrman is offering refunds for Ouya Backers

The original backers of the kickstarter project Ouya are now wanting refunds and Uhrman is responding by saying that  you can get a refund.  On twitter she responded:
BTW if you're really unhappy we can find a way to refund. Just let me know.  

The above statement could be interpreted that Uhrman would rather give refunds then try to keep a backer.  
A quick browse of the kickstarter page comments and you get:

Nate Mantrakid Schmold 2 days ago

So 'Your Ouya will be shipping on or around March 28' was actually "we'll have less than 10% of the total kickstarter units even produced by the middle of April."
I would only hope someone from Ouya is reading this, considering here is a list of people who helped make this happen, but the dangerous point of this is that the people who were GUNG HO for this cause are having their confidence broken. We were 63,000 points of technically free advertising... and by these kind of lame pseudo-transparency updates, we're actually feeling negative towards the project.
If it were possible, I would have requested a refund by now.

Todd Wegman 1 day ago

Is there anyway to get a refund... I do not have a good feeling about this... I should have waited to see how this thing takes off- based on what I see so far I made another poor decision- at least it only cost me $100 dollars.

and on twitter:
I would like to cancel my OUYA order and receive a refund. Is there a mechanism in place for this? cc:

This is all due to Uhrman not being able to ship units to backers as promised. Per her last update she will only be able to shipt 25% of Ouyas to the backers in the first month and the rest will hopefully be shipped during the month a May. This puts backers as receiving their units only days prior to the public. Backers are seeing this as unacceptable due to originally giving ETA's for March. Worst yet, amazon prime members will get their Ouya's cheaper then the backers due to no shipping cost.
The begging question now is "Once Uhrman got her money and websites like Amazon started to place orders, did she dump her loyal backers?"

Ouya taking 1 month to ship to only 25% of Backers. Outrage Grows.

On Friday Ouya sent out a new Project Update to the backers on the shipping issues.  According to Julie Uhrman and  a poorly drawn line graph only 25% of the Ouya will be shipped to backers 30 days after the launch that occurred March 28.
"As you can see, each weekly shipment wave continues to grow, with nearly a quarter of all shipments out by the end of this month and larger-scale shipments going out weekly from there."

This is a different ETA then the one Uhrman gave on the day of the launch where it would take a few weeks to get all the units shipped.  And this is totally different then what was promised to the backer on Kickstarter.
Originally the backers were given estimated delivery of the month of March, but now it appears that most backers will not receive their Ouya's until the last week of May, just days before you can purchase an Ouya on Amazon. This most recent update has fueled the fire of the Backer Outrage.
Here are some of the post from the Ouya kickstarter page:
" Zubair Ashraf about 1 hour agoI really believe ouya,s strategy backfired. They shipped units to press early rather than in backer number to get press buzz. Now they are covering the mistakes. They should have shipped by backer order initially. And be transparent 
1- no google play store means more money for them through app purchases. But not good for end user 
2- be more transparent with shipping. Admit to short comings/ delays as it happens"

"Thomas Hogan about 4 hours ago

How about instead of a graph drawn in MS paint every Friday, all you do is just tell your backer the exact # of Ouyas that have been shipped. That would be a lot more meaningful, and I can make my own graph in MS paint anyway..."

"Denny Martin about 13 hours ago

I have been very upbeat and defensive about this project, mostly because I thought it is a project worth supporting. The secondary and almost as influential factor in all this is the encouraging and energetic communiques coming from team OUYA. After the last email, I feel I too need to be transparent:
As a backer, I had the expectations that not only would I be supporting a worthwhile project, but even though I paid the same as the over-the-counter price will be, that I would receive a little perk, like say receiving my unit a month or so before the public at large. I will be disappointed if after all the hype in the emails, that I receive my OUYA only days before the public release. I realize team OUYA is working hard, but YOU did ask us to give money to you when you needed it. I believe you can do better than just lip service. If it were me, I'd be working round the clock and forgoing Chinese holidays or even any American ones until I fulfilled my obligations to my backers."

Todd Wegman about 17 hours ago

Is there anyway to get a refund... I do not have a good feeling about this... I should have waited to see how this thing takes off- based on what I see so far I made another poor decision- at least it only cost me $100 dollars."

"Keith Ky 1 day ago

Yeah, I'm starting to regret being a backer and especially getting the "limited" brown console (which I read would take even longer). Of course, Ouya got bigger with more press coverage so I'm sure even if they lose all the backers, it's probably less than 10% of Amazon and Walmart orders."

James Higgins 1 day ago

This chart does not give any usable information. It's sort of annoying to ignore all your backers, but its actually insulting to present a graph of nonsense designed specifically to obscure any real information as transparency."

These comments are just a small percentage of outraged backers.  This backlash could easily be the downfall of the Ouya even prior to it hitting the public.  

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Ouya Already Failing. Backers are outraged!

I reported yesterday that according to the hardly any units have shipped.  I also presumed that they were not shipping out in order of backer numbers as previously believed.  Now, has confirmed my suspicion.  Per one of their editorials that early backers are not receiving their units first, but backers are randomly receiving their units.  This has embarked a backer outrage.
Forum member MELTDOWN who isn't  a backer posted "It seems that the backers will receive their consoles with me on June."  
Forum Member Dizzy "obviously for a higher price, but the fact that i can go to ebay right now and buy one makes me sad" , 
Bigdadio brought some common sense with the post "How about no theory and someone from Ouya tell us WTF is going on. This is the time for total transparency. If you want people to not perceive you as EA jr, dont act like EA..." 
And the worst yet:

Forum member Yomp: "What if they are making the retail units first for the stores?"

with the response...

Dizzy: "then we sue! game... OVER"

I have stated this before and will state it again Uhrman is not a CEO, She is a idea person. If Ouya can't ship only 65,000 units to your original backers in less than two weeks, then there is no way that Ouya will survive.  I doubt they will still be here by Christmas of this year, unless someone else takes the horns of this startup and runs is like a contender.  

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Hardly any Ouya units have shipped per post

According to the post at Oya forum hardly any units are being reported as shipped.  The units were suppose to ship in order of the backers excluding those who ordered an extra controller (punishing those who spend more money is a great business model), but according to the forum, backer 21421 has received their unit, but  backers with numbers as low 107 still hasn't received their unit.  So how are they shipping Ouyas?  As ill planned the Ouya launch as a whole appears it begs the question if they (Ouya) are organized enough to ship the units in order.  So have you gotten your Ouya yet?

Friday, April 5, 2013

Ouya Showing Poor Planning and Making Excuses

The latest blog entry from Ouya is showing more poor planning and now they are making excuses for not being able to deliver units to their backers.  Per the post that is quoted below,  Julie Uhrman is apologizing for not being able to ship units due to holidays and only being able to work 3 days a week, but promises to ship 24 hours a day starting next week.  It was bizarre to begin with that Ouya would not be able to ship all backer units at once.  It begs the question if they will be able to make any shipping demands from Amazon and the like if they prove to be successful.  Now Uhrman is blaming holidays for unable to ship to their backer. It is a shame that Uhrman doesn't have a calendar.  If she did, she would have foresaw this and been able to plan around it.  As stated before Uhrman has over promised believing if she builds it then they will come.  She will soon learn that if you don't deliver what you promise and take care of your core customers then you will find yourself managing a company that sells to no one.  It is unfortunate that the renegade console may never have an opportunity to truly rebel against the big 3 due to poor leadership.  I want to know where the form is so I can get my $100 back.  
OUYA is shipping! I know you are anxious to play and probably want to know when to expect yours. Here’s the plan:
We began shipping last week, 3/27 in fact. We had two days of manufacturing and then we had to stop for Easter. This week, we got 3 days of work and then had to stop for the Qingming Festival. I know this sucks but we will be picking up the pace.
Starting next week, we will be building and shipping units 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Also, we are bringing on new vendors to help us deliver faster. However, we will not sacrifice quality for speed.
The rollout will be as follows: We are starting with the standard OUYA unit (grey console+controller), then working on the Kickstarter exclusive units and units with more than one controller.
Also, every Friday, on our blog (, we will update you on our progess and plan. As of today, we plan on making our final delivery in May. In fact, until now we were sending shipping alerts only when your shipment left the assembly line. Because you asked for it, we will now send out pre-shipping alerts a week before to let you know your order is queued up.
We appreciate your continued support as we deliver your OUYA -- and know that every day there are more games for you to play! That’s the best part. :)
Thank you,

Friday, March 29, 2013

Ouya: How to NOT launch a Product

March 28th has gone and pass. As an original backer I had anxiously anticipated yesterday since I sent the renegade console my $99.  Yesterday, I was in a constant state of intravenously feeding all social media from twitter to instagram on any news of the Ouya unveil. My eyes were constantly glued to my phone as I switched from app to app awaiting something from Urhman.  Instead all I got along with all the other backers was a post on facebook and twitter that read:
Hey Facebook Friends!
Just a friendly reminder to keep your eyes on your email inbox for a shipping alert!
The first wave of shipments goes out today! :D
If you don't see anything yet, don't fret. More shipments will continue to go out from the OUYA factory over the coming weeks. 

Prior to the launch party that took place late last night in San Francisco there was no news, no hype, no surprises,  no....well anything outside of the post above.  I thought, maybe Uhrman is building anticipation and will have a surprise live stream of some wonderful presentation of the unveiling during the launch party.  Moments prior to the party my phone chimed and I saw I had a kickstarter email.  It read:
"So... we made a game console.
And by "we" I mean you. OUYA wouldn’t exist without you...Today, we honor you. Today we start shipping our early backers their OUYAs. And at our unveiling event this evening, the first of you will get to see OUYA in the flesh (or, metal, as it were).
Thank you...Once your OUYA arrives: get playing!.. there are already 104 published games on OUYA (all still free to try), like Final Fantasy III and some new surprises we think you’ll love: Beast Boxing Turbo, Stalagflight, Knightmare Tower, and even one called Save the Puppies. There are already a few entertainment apps, too. You can watch the TV shows and movies you already own with XBMC and Flixster, or watch games streamed through TwitchTV...."

In other words nothing new.  It was a bunch a wind being blown up our skirts that was confirming that most Ouyas will not ship until the coming weeks, but there are 104 current games that absolutely nobody can play because no one has an Ouya.  
Still, I kept my eyes glued to twitter in hopes of some news, but what I got was not good at all.  One individual tweeted that there was lag with the controller, and another tweeted about the triggers on the controller not being up to par. In all there was no real news.  Lot of tweets on how Urhman said that they were now free (referring to being free from publishers and the big 3) and some inspirational speech, blah, blah, blah, but nothing else.  
Last year Ouya had the gift of hype. The hype has been dwindling in the last couple of months and yesterday was a prime opportunity to bring the hype back. Urhman should have lit up social media giving tidbits of the coming Ouya with a tease of a big announcement throughout the day.  Urhman should have found a way to ship all the backer consoles out at one time on the 27th.  That way at the event she could have made the announcement that the Ouya is on it's way to all the backers.  She should have live streamed the event (this revolution is supposedly televised) with a presentation of the final product and a sincere heart felt live thank you to all the backers. Instead, the backers got locked out of their own launch party.  All they got was an email and some post saying thank you and you might get your Ouya in a couple of weeks, because shipping is really hard and obviously difficult. (Get a UPS account or Yesterday on March 28th, Urhman killed the little bit of hype that was left.
I hope the Ouya does well,  I was an original backer.  I dream of the day where I don't have to put up with EA ridiculous in app purchases to play the core of the game (Tiger Woods).  Unfortunately, I don't think Urhman knows anything about marketing.  She appears to be a great dreamer with a gift of giving speeches (Politician?) Unfortunate to us, She is living on the theory that if she builds it, then they will come. In the tech gaming field where processors are out of date on a quarterly basis, mobile phones are getting all the major android games and the big 3 are churning out the next generation consoles, you can't miss opportunities like Urhman did.  If you need an example on how to NOT have a launch party or how to NOT market a product  correctly in the 21st century, look no further than the renegade console that rebelled from it own supporters, the Ouya. 

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

You might get your Ouya in mid April

According to the ouya website they will BEGIN shipping units tomorrow on March 28, but after carefully reviewing their statement of " Keep a lookout in your inbox for an email from us. It will have your tracking number and estimated delivery date. Might take a few weeks to get to everyone. We have a lot of OUYAs to ship!" I am doubting more and more the Ouya.   It appears that they know that they can't ship units to all their backers on the 28th, but may take weeks to deliver all the units.  
If this occurs this will ruin any little hype that is left for Ouya.   If they cannot ship units to all their core supporters, the ones that financed their business then how will they able to meet the demands of major companies such as Amazon.   Additionally,  if backers don't receive their units until the middle of April then I will predict a halestorm of backlash from their core supporters.  

Tomorrow will tell if Ouya has a chance or not.   If they can't deliver the units to their backers then the Ouya is doomed even before it officially launches.  

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Does Ouya have any original content or just emulators?

Earlier this week it was announced that there will be  Nintendo emulators on ouya.  Now, it has been announced there will be a Commodore 64 emulator. Does the ouya  have any original content? This is making me start to wonder will the ouya have any sales when it is truly released to the public in June .   Read about the Commodore emulator here: 

Monday, March 25, 2013

Ouya may have streaming video this summer

According to the article that Eric Mack wrote on, Ouya may have streaming video this summer. He states that Uhrman, the founder hinted at Hulu, Netflix, Amazon and Google at the June launch or soon afterwards.  Unfortunately, this is bad news for the backers that should be receiving their Ouyas this week. Read the full article HERE

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Buy a OUYA on ebay

If you want an OUYA early and don't mind paying a premium price then head over to ebay :  ouya | eBay Mobile Web

Randy Pitchfork from borderlands not big on OUYA

Randy Pitchfork isn't big on OUYA but on the good news side NES emulators are coming.   Read the full story:
  OUYA Forum - Unofficial OUYA Forums

Do you want to have your own OUYA review column?

If you want to have your own column to write OUYA  reviews then head over to the forums to sign up now: OUYA Forum - Unofficial OUYA Forums

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Ouya Launches March 28

Ouya Launches this month

The renegade gaming console Ouya launches this month on the 28th. The Ouya lauch party will be held in San Francisco.  All the original backers should receive an email from Ouya to tell them when their console will ship.  Everyone else will have to wait for this summer when the full launch will take place.  
Below are some great Ouya sites:

The official website
The official forums
A great 3rd party message board