Thursday, May 9, 2013

Ouya delays official Launch. Why?

Julie Urhman announced that Ouya has delayed the official launch until June 25th.  This begs the question if they are having problems meeting demands.  To bring even more suspicion she announced that they raised an additional $15 million stating "This is a really important step for the long haul." Does this mean there were doubts until they got money.  The answer is Obvious.
Urhman also said that this will NOT DELAY shipment to the backers. Which is really, really great news!  She continued to say that all backers should have their units before the end of May.
So what does this all mean?  Many have had sneaky suspicions that Urhman was hiding some details on the progress of the company.  Though she has no duty to report to fans and backers as if they are board members, it did cast a bad light on her and the company.  Many were wondering if Ouya was going to make it past the next several months, especially since Urhman announced that no launch units have been produced.
Most likely the delay is due to not being able to produce enough units for the official launch. This could be bad or good. But the real questions are: Will this hurt Ouya in the short run?  Can Ouya actually make it? and Where are the good games?

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